Economic Collapse DVD
Regathering Of Israel

The Emergency Oven

This is one of the most creative ideas I have come across in a long time. It is not just an excellent idea for emergencies but can be a great help on camping trips or even if your power goes out for an extended period of time due to bad weather. This would be a […]

Stored Food: The Most Important Part Of Your Disaster Plan

No one knows what disaster will look like. Science fiction writers and movie makers have been imaging it for years, scientists have ideas about what it will look like, but no one knows for sure. The only thing that is certain is that food will be difficult to get, and you will be hungry. That […]

Falling Off the Hunger Cliff

by MN Gordon Economic Prism

The October edition of Smithsonian magazine tells us that “With five simple words in the Declaration of Independence – ‘all men are created equal’ – Thomas Jefferson undid Aristotle’s ancient formula, which had governed human affairs until 1776: ‘From the hour of their birth, some men are […]