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Rice Shortage In Asia? Why We Should Have An Emergency Food Supply

Are we about to see a massive rice shortage in Asia?  Thailand and Vietnam, the two largest rice exporters in the world, are facing severe drought conditions that are severely threatening this year’s rice crops and global rice supplies.  Rice is one of the key “staple foods” in eastern nations, so a serious disruption in the supply of rice could be a major problem.  Thankfully, many crops in the western world (such as wheat) are doing very well so far this year, so hopefully this potential rice shortage will not hurt too much, but it never hurts to put away some extra rice in your emergency food supply.  After all, you don’t start preparing for a storm once it has already arrived.  You start preparing when you see the first storm clouds forming on the horizon. 

In Vietnam, this severe drought is shaping up to be the worst in a hundred years.  The truth is that there has been very little rainfall across the entire nation since last September.  Over half of Vietnam’s estimated 44 million person workforce is involved in agriculture, so if this drought continues much longer it is going to be a horrific disaster.

The drought is also extremely severe in Thailand.  Thailand accounts for approximately one-third of all global rice exports, and analysts are now forecasting a decline of at least one million tons for this year.

That is bad news, but hopefully world food supplies will not be impacted that severely.  However, a few more body blows like this and we could start looking at a global food crisis.

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  • Food Insurance

    This is another reason why we should all be prepared for scarcity and natural disasters. Since I knew about my friend being in Chile several months ago when the earthquake occurred, I’ve been working on creating my food storage. She told me that thanks to the emergency food they had down in Chile she was able to survive and come back home safely. So I decided to be prepared because we never know when or where we can be in a natural disaster. Thanks for your article.

  • Dr. Kevin R. Linam

    You May Not Survive A Crisis Food)

    What are you going to do if
    you get to the store and
    see empty shelves?
    …We need to talk. There’re some serious events about to hit the US.

    Some you know of already, but some will be brand-new in a threatening way…

    The bottom-line is, any disaster (big or small) could force you to go weeks without food.

    Without the essentials we may not survive. And there’s going to be no way to get them when a crisis hits (or the news even smells a crisis for that matter).

    Think about it:

    How would you survive a terrorist attack that caused widespread panic and shutdown all shops and stores in your area? Would you be forced to beg neighbors for food or be shipped off to FEMA camps?

    Could you and your family survive hurricanes or snowstorms that whipped your neighbors into a “panic-buying” frenzy - grabbing any food they could get their hands on? What if the stores weren’t restocked for weeks?

    How would you live during weeks of “rolling blackouts” making it impossible to store food or for stores to get more food in stock?

    What would you do if your home was hit by floods, washing out roads and making it impossible for stores to supply food for weeks – would you survive?

    How would you deal with protesting labor unions refusing to ship food – would your kids go hungry?

    What would you do if an earthquake rocked your home and disrupted all abilities to get supplies in or out (this would be devastating anywhere, but especially in a city)?
    The sad part is, people don’t think any of these very real disasters will ever happen – or at least, won’t happen to them (maybe this is what you’re thinking)…

    History says otherwise:

    Remember these recent disasters that cost thousands of lives…?

    In 2011 after the Tōhoku Tsunami in Japan over 300,000 people were evacuated to camps where some died. Survivors lined up for blocks outside of 7-11s and grocery stores for a scrap of food.
    We have seen how the US Government,
    FEMA and Local Authorities respond
    to disasters when Hurricane Katrina hit.

    During Hurricane Katrina in 2004 stores closed, looters ran wild and everyday, hardworking people were forced into begging and ended up at FEMA camps.

    The 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami wiped out the shops, stores and food transportation channels for many people.

    In the 2010 Haitian Earthquake, followed by the massive Chilean Earthquake as many as 316,000 people were killed and are still struggling to reestablish consist access to food.

    And every year in the US alone there are tornadoes touching down in the southeast, blizzards throughout the northwest, earthquakes out west, severe droughts in central US, wildfires in California, and floods literally everywhere.

    In fact, FEMA states that every American lives in a flood zone. The only question is if you’re in a low, medium, or high-risk area.

    So remembering what can happen we’ve got two options:

    You Can Put All Your Hopes For
    Survival In The Government & FEMA…

    Or You Can Take Survival
    Into Your Own Hands…

    Please believe me when I say, as a fellow American I want to help you and your family survive any way I can. That in mind, you need to know: this could be the most important letter of your life – and your family’s life – so keep reading. You’ll see why in a second…

    As the author of the top-selling guide Survive-Anything I’ve done my homework – and what I found was pretty scary…

    It’s common sense.

    Any 5 year old can tell you – without food and water we’re in trouble…

    A human can die just hours after dehydration – especially if they’re physically exerting themselves (like running from a mob or fighting off an attacker).

    And life without food means a slow and painful death, starting with confusion and diarrhea and ending with spine-wracking convulsions and hallucinations from hell.

    It’s not fun to think about, but even if a crisis only lasts a few weeks it can be deadly to you and your family if you’re not prepared.

    But the scary part is…

    If You Buy The Wrong Food Items,
    You’d Have Been Better Off Buying
    Nothing At All…

    Can you really fight through a crowd to get your kids food - or will you get beat? If you know which food items to buy in advance you’ll never have to find out.
    It’s crushing when your kids realize that their Dad was wrongand your wife feels like you failed to protect the family (even if they’d never say it)…

    Even though I don’t know you from Adam, as my fellow patriot I don’t want that to happen to you or your family and I’m sure you don’t either.

    Why your food is worthless if you buy the wrong packaging (there’s nothing more demoralizing than finding your carefully packed food crawling with maggots and realizing your family is going to have to go hungry…)

    You know that and I know that.

    But spoiled-rotten Americans think they snap their fingers and get what they want.

    The fact of the matter is, it doesn’t matter how rich, popular or politically correct you are. When people are starving and panicking you’re not going to get what you need without a fight.

    Many Stores Will Close, And Spoiled
    Americans Will Panic…

    So many Americans try to pretend like “nothing is going to happen” or “there’s no reason to ‘freak-out’”.

    And then they run to the store and strip the shelves bare the first time the news even mentions crazy weather (imagine if they announced something like 9/11 again).

    Researcher Kent Arnspiger recently exposed grocery
    stores for their poor planning. They only carry 3-4
    days worth of food (that’s gone in hours during a
    crisis) so you won’t be able to get your hands on things
    your family needs to live – unless you have it in advance.
    The Mayo Clinic recommends you drink about 2 liters of water every day. How much water would you have if, God forbid, terrorists poisoned our water supply or nuclear fallout made rainwater undrinkable? (If you’ve got bonus #1 this isn’t a concern)
    And worst of all Fox News reports “…lack of acreage [in the US]… will usher in a significant food shortage.”
    How people can’t see the obvious truth is beyond me…

    But, when a crisis strikes who are these clueless freeloaders going to try and come to?

    You guessed it: you and your family who were wise enough to stock up on the necessities before the crisis.

    But the problem is…

    If You Think Food Is Expensive Now,
    Imagine What It’s Going To Be Like
    When The Stores Shut Down And
    Farms Can’t Feed Their Livestock…

    This medal remembers Germany after WWI, when a pound of bread cost 3 BILLION Marks. Many economists see the US heading in a similar direction.
    There’s no way to deny that food prices have been skyrocketing as it is. Which makes it even more important to buy these 37 critical items before the prices go even higher.

    After all, when your family is hungry, and you’re not sure where you’ll be able to get these crucial items again would you sell any?

    Heck no.

    If you were going to sell some of your precious food, how much would you charge? That food would be worth its weight in gold. Literally.

    If your family is less than rich or even in some debt right now, you need to buy the essential food items while you still can.

    Look at what happened in Germany when hyperinflation hit – one pound of bread cost 3 billion marks. And the US is on the same crash course.
    Be Prepared! Try our Free Meals now and come back for auto-replenishment monthly order-Coach Linam, Survival Team Leader, Atmore, Alabama