3 Last Minute Survival Scenarios

3 Last Minute Survival Scenarios by SurvivingSurvivalism.com

We know that waiting till the last second is not a good idea, but for some it is the only option. So we have taken three possible average scenarios and broken them down for you. All scenarios will include a family of 4 – Mom, Dad and two kids under high school age – living in the suburbs of a megaplex city...

Scenario #1

1. You have a few cases of water
2. You have some freeze-dried storage food, maybe a 30 day supply.
3. You have some sleeping bags and some basic camping supplies.
4. You have a general idea of the area to which you want to go.
5. You think maybe something might happen in which case you could need to get your family out of the city.
6. All supplies are in the garage, ready to load into your minivan should the need arise.

You live in a suburban area of a mexaplex city – first and foremost, where the hell are you going to go? If you are starting out with only a general idea of where to go, you planning to fail. Knowing exactly where you are going and a little preparation is very much in order. Even if your plan is to squat on BLM land, National Forest Service land or private land, just having (Read More....)
