Reasons Why Water Is A Basic Need For Survival

Everyone knows that we need water to live. But do we all know the reasons why?

If you recall your basic human biology class, you would know that two out of three parts of our body is made out of water and almost every aspect of our cellular function relies on it. You would also know that when this body fluid is lost through urine, feces, sweat, or even breathing, it should be replenished. Thus, the recommended 8-10 glasses per day.

Studies show that an average person can only survive 3-5 days without water, making it one of the most-needed survival supplies. If you think about it, it can even be more important than food, shelter, or clothing.

Here’s a list of reasons why you can’t survive without water:

Water transports nutrients and oxygen into the cells.

The blood, which is 80% water, serves as the medium by which nutrients, elements and oxygen are distributed throughout the body. These nutrients are delivered from the blood system to the cells in order for the body to function properly.

Water gives energy.

Water carries oxygen to the muscle cells. Proper hydration enables your muscles to work longer and harder. If you plan to engage in any physical activity, drinking water is need (Read More....)


Sprouts – The Missing Link to Healthy Food Storage

If you were to take an inventory of all your preparedness supplies, would you feel quite confident that you are in fact “ready”? Your supplies might include a good, well thought out long-term, food storage program, complete with a variety of dehydrated and freeze-dried legumes, grains, vegetable, fruits, dairy and meats. If you’ve come this far, you are commended for taking two giant steps toward emergency preparedness. But have you also considered the process by which these foods are preserved? Did you know that both the dehydrating and freeze dried method destroys the essential enzymes your body needs to help utilize the nutrients in the food itself? These processes may prevent food spoilage thereby facilitating the luxury of long-term storage, but fails to provide the body with the essential enzymes necessary for good health.

To give you an example of how enzymes work and why they are so important for your health, consider this: Have you ever dropped an apple and noticed a bruise form? What happens to that bruise over time? Underneath the skin, enzymes are busy at work breaking down that apple until there is nothing left. The exact same thing happens with the enzymes in your digestive tract: These mighty, enzymatic “powerhouses” perform their magic – breaking down the food to its constituent parts - vitamins, mineral (Read More....)
